Angular 2 & Meteor 1.3 — Friends or Foes?
Answering: Angular 2 is a platform, Meteor 1.3 is a platform — can they co-exist?
The short Answer is: indeed.
- Angular 2 is a web / front end framework. It provides the best tools exist to build a web application.
- Meteor is a full stack platform focusing on server, client and client-server communication. They provide a choice of front end frameworks, angular 2 being one of them.
This drawing is a re-use from Angular 1, but the roles did not change, so you can see who is doing what in the combined platform:
This question, infact, is a reincarnation of a previous question:
[MeteorJS vs AngularJS ain't a thing
Answering: what should I learn, Meteor or Angular?]( "")
What’s in the Angular 2 Platform?
Here is what Brad Green showed in the 2016 NG-Conf keynote as the Angular 2 platform.
Everything on this list is aimed for web development: from template management to routing, from ui components to web routing. Yep, Angular 2 (as well as 1) is focused on the web, and is very opinionated on it.
The Meteor Platform
Totally different — right? It focuses on the client AND on the server. In fact — Meteor’s strength lies in the real time data integration between its parts.
Will they collide?
Here are some potential areas for collisions:
- CLI — how should you scaffold? using meteor create or ng new? And for the angular part — can I use the component / directive / pipe / service generation if I am inside the meteor echo system? Will the ng cli files live peacefully with the meteor echosystem?
- Mobile — Meteor uses Cordova with a wrapper and יot code push. Angular introduce the new concept on progressive web apps as well as native code generation ( NativeBridge) without a webview. Reconciling the 2 will probably take some effort, but is very likely to come.